Hello there! I couldn't be happier that you've stumbled upon my little shop. 

Crafting and curiosity have always been a part of me, and it was through this love that I discovered my passion for creating beautiful jewelry pieces. 

Lummililli is not just any ordinary business; it is a small, one-woman-owned endeavor, which means I put my heart in everything. From searching for the materials, to making the jewelry, taking photos, managing our social media, updating the shop's items, and packing orders - it's all me. On top of all that, I am also a mom to my precious son, who adores everything I do. 

With my ever-changing selection, you'll find something new each time you visit. Late nights are my zen time as I diligently work on creating something new or happily preparing your orders.

I truly hope that something here steals your heart, and I am happy to send it to you as soon as possible!

With lots of love and creativity,

Something on your mind? Contact us here!